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Mac Zip Split Large Files

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Suppose that you want to attach a file on an e-mail message but the file is too large for sending through your mail server. Or you want to copy a file to USB drive but the file size is exceed the limit of your USB drive can hold.

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To solve these problems, you can split the large file into smaller files using Zip software. So, you can attach these smaller files to e-mail messages or copy to your USB drive as you want. To get the original file back, you can open these smaller files using any Zip software and you'll get the original file.

  1. It's also quite common to split a large file when you have to fit it onto several CDs, DVDs, or even floppies. Curiously Windows itself has the capacity to join already split files, but can't split the file in the first place. For that you need a third party method, here are 8 ways for you to do it. All methods were tested on Windows 7 and 10.
  2. Find out the ZIP file in Finder on your Mac. Double-click the selected ZIP file. Then, the file starts to be extracted. An unzipped file with the same name will appear and saved together with the original ZIP file later. In addition, you can also right-click the ZIP file and select the Open option to view the ZIP files after you locate it in.

Apr 15, 2013 zip -r -s 3g FolderName/ The above example will compress everything in FolderName/ into multiple split archives of 3GB maximum each, with the name of the main archive file being You should not drag & drop the folder you want to archive on to the Terminal because it adds the folder's entire path to the archive.

In this post, I'll show how to split a large file into smaller files using 7-Zip. 7-Zip is an open source software which can compressed/uncompressed file in various formats. Other Zip softwares such as WinZip, WinRar, etc. can do this, too. The steps are similar to 7-Zip. Play youtube on alexa from mac mini.

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Step-by-step split large file using 7-Zip

  1. Download and install 7-Zip on the PC. You can download it from
  2. In this example, I'll split Book.pdf (~30 MB.) into smaller Zip files which the file size must not exceed 10 MB.
  3. Right-click on the file -> Select 7-Zip ->Add to archive.
  4. On Add to Archive,
    • Name the archive file.
    • Select archive format.
    • Define file size limit you want. In this example, I'll limit to 10MB.
    • Click OK.
  5. The program is compressing the file.
  6. When finishes, you'll see that a large file is split into new smaller Zip files which size are limit as you defined. In this example, I get 3 file:, and
  7. To get the original file from these Zip files, right-click one of these Zip files -> select 7-Zip -> click Open archive.
    Note: You can open these Zip files with other Zip software since they are .zip file now.
  8. The 7-Zip program will be opened and you'll see the original file.

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